About Gietburg Group

About Gietburg Group

Part of progress

In your process, every part plays a role, and every component is crucial. Delays, poor-quality parts, and missing components disrupt your operations and lead to high costs. You need a supplier you can trust fully, who understands the pressure and risks in your process. At Gietburg Group, we know these challenges well. Whether you need large volumes or small batches, we strive to be the strongest part of your supply chain. We keep your process and progress running by always delivering on time and providing reliable, high-quality parts.

  • Engineer-on-site: unique co-development approach
  • Flexible short decision-making and lead times
  • In house know-how for all kind of casting methods
  • In house tooling, automation, engineering and construction
  • Strong purchasing and supply chain organization for all possible materials and sizes


We strive to be the most reliable part of progress. Our cast-iron, aluminium, and steel components are engineered to outlast the vehicles they serve. As your partner, we aim to be the strongest link in your supply chain by providing unparalleled quality, reliability, and efficiency. We understand the critical role our components play in your operations and are dedicated to delivering products that enhance the performance and lifetime of your machinery.

By working closely with our clients, we develop tailored solutions to address specific needs and challenges. We lead in both quality and sustainability, continuously innovating and integrating advanced technologies to reduce our environmental impact. By recycling over 96% of our raw materials and embracing renewable energy sources, we ensure our production processes are as green as possible. Ultimately, our mission is to set new standards in the industry, delivering components that support and propel our clients' success.



Our vision is to accelerate progress for our industry and our customers by leading in quality and sustainability of cast-iron and aluminium components. We aspire to innovate continuously, integrating the latest technologies and sustainable practices to create products that exceed industry standards.

We aim to be the trusted partner for leading companies in the automotive, agricultural, and industrial sectors, delivering components that ensure the reliability and efficiency of their products. By building close collaborations and committing to excellence, we seek to drive advancements benefiting both our clients and the market. Our vision includes a robust approach to sustainability, where we lead by example in reducing carbon emissions, recycling materials, and embracing renewable energy sources. We strive to create a positive impact on our planet, ensuring our operations contribute to a cleaner, greener future.

Our history

The first foundations of Gietburg Group go back more than 250 years, when the first Foundry was established. Below, you can read how this single foundry evolved into the group of 6 companies it is today.


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1896: Foundry Ubbink is founded by Barend Ubbink. The street on which the foundry is located in Doesburg is now named after him. The company had 37 workers, and production consisted of castings such as skylights, cooking tiles, air grilles and brake blocks for railways. 1900: More than 100 workers worked at the foundry, it even had its own steam-powered power plant.
1932: Founder Barend Ubbink dies. His sons Jo and Herman continue the company.
1930-1940: Temper iron makes its appearance. Thin-walled castings can now be produced.
1950-1960: Ductile iron is introduced in our foundry.
1959: The first VW beetle brake drum is cast.

1969: The name is changed to Gieterij Doesburg

1969: Gieterij Doesburg is the first foundry with a DISAmatic moulding line.
1995: Establishment of Gietburg BV. and the Gietburg Holding.
1996: Joint venture with Schrauwers Machinefabriek
1998: Takeover of Modelmakerij Hengelo
1998: Acquisition of Doesburg Components

2006: Commissioning of our first robotised cells
2013: Commissioning of our automated FMS system 2016: Gieterij Doesburg celebrates its 120th anniversary 2017: Introduction of casting machine. Further move to automation.

2021: Takeover of Brinks Components
2022: Commissioning of new furnaces, that are 30% more sustainable
2024: acquisition of Fonderie Laval in France

Supplier Quality Assurance

Companies we work for